"Sausage Party"

Leaving Austin on the way to New Orleans, we drove through a town called Burton, TX. We took pictures of the "City Limits" and "Welcome to" signs. But by this time in our travels we were a little worn out from stopping for every interesting photo op. It seemed like we stopped at every mountain and ocean side vista from South Dakota to Los Angeles. But now several weeks later, the most initiative we were willing to take was to slow the car down enough so the camera wouldn't be blurry. Some of the photos taken with this method indicate that we were not going slow enough, which could be read as a lack of excitement or interest in the subject. I'd say this is generally true, but then again some times a really cool sausage factory sneaks up on you. You don't have time to snap a photo from a car. You have to decide. Is it worth turning around? In the case of the Burton Sausage Company, we said "Yes. Yes, it is worth turning around."

"A brief description of a brief stop Lafayette, LA"We drove most of the day stopped in Lafayette and looked for a motel with the tell-tale outside doors. Shelby is of the belief that this means it is cheaper. We went to see the Hangover at the local multiplex and went to bed.
"A brief discussion of The Hangover"Zach Galifianakis stole the show. I love that guy. If you aren't familiar with his stuff google or youtube or FunnyOrDie.com are all great ways to get to know his work. I really loved the "Wolfpack" speech and am convinced that it was a wink to his fellow NC State alumni. One more reason to love him.
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